A Better Life Foundation (ABLF) holds a very sacred place in my heart. My relationship with this not-for-profit has evolved drastically over the years. In the beginning, I supported ABLF by showing up to their Greasy Spoon Supper series with a portrait-in-hand to thank the volunteer chefs for their efforts to create food security in the Downtown Eastside through these charity events. It wasn't long before we began providing biographical illustration cards at each table for guests to learn about the featured chef of the night. When A Better Life Foundation and Save On Meats required a new General Manager in 2019, I excitedly threw my hat in the ring and got the job. Transitioning the diner to an event space while repurposing the butcher shop as a new bistro-style food service space was one of the most influential experiences of my life. Between the Greasy Spoon Supper Series, Plenty of Plates, and Late Night Snack - Save On Meat's bi-weekly drag show, I learned to love the Downtown Eastside and even experience a sense of home there. These days, with the support of A Better Life Foundation, I am working on a new zine series called Save On "Meets" which tells the history and personal stories of the ABLF community from 2017 to 2020. It is my first multi-media endeavour which will involve interviews, comics, music and video (QR coded), and most importantly, a multitude of voices to fully paint the picture of this vibrant and caring community.
Position: Illustrator, General Manager, Editor