“What Makes a Maker?” is a cultural exhibition on the makers, tinkerers and do-it-yourself minds of Vancouver. With locations such as Maker Labs and events such as Vancouver’s Mini-Maker Faire, this "Maker" culture provides much to learn for onlookers. This space looks to tell the story of not only the products resulting from maker-efforts but also the stories behind the makers, themselves. This community is creative and innovative, and greatly impacts the local economy. This exhibition design provided the opportunity to explore a culture far beyond the surface level. Intensive research informed the design by revealing the importance of both maker and product — adding richness to the exhibition features which tell the personal stories of makers alongside their creations. By focusing on personality, this exhibition provided both a window into the incredible culture of Vancouver makers as well as an extending hand which provided guests an invitation to join in and become part of the highlighted community.
Case Studies Conducted: MakerLabs, Vancouver Tool Library, FabLabs, Konisa Studio